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With the launch of smart contracts on Shimmer comes huge potential for the DeFi sector and the IOTA ecosystem. DeFi dApps like ShimmerSea, which have been launched from day one together with the network, will be able to give a boost to the Shimmer ecosystem. Projects will find transparent and decentralized liquidity funding through DeFi and users will find new opportunities to increase their returns. With so many innovative projects already in the IOTA ecosystem, ranging from solutions to combat climate change, to the latest apps for autonomous driving as well as Web3 metaverse worlds, DeFi dApps are tasked with bringing new capital into the ecosystem for these projects. The ShimmerSea network already has value through these projects before the network launches. DeFi apps like the ShimmerSea DEX are there to connect them and accelerate their growth.

ShimmerSea was designed to create sustainable value for the community, and their projects. The ecosystem is the focus and ShimmerSea grows together with the ecosystem! This long-term vision is anchored in the DEX's dual token system with LUM and Magic LUM. With LUM, token pools can be incentivized sustainably, while with Magic LUM all liquidity providers in the community can become members of the DAO. Due to the innovative booster developed in-house, LUM and Magic LUM are in balance with each other, making them more robust to fluctuations in the crypto market.

MLUM Weg des Geldes

This core idea of wanting to succeed together with the community and ecosystem, and not propping it up at the expense of our users, continues throughout the DEX, starting from day one with our Fairlaunch. The main trading pool with the most power on ShimmerSea is the SMR-LUM pool. With the Fairlaunch model, this trading pool is not in the hands of the team or a small selection of private liquidity providers, but completely in the hands of the community, eliminating the potential possibility of a rug pull. Something that is only possible because ShimmerSea has not done a Presale, AirDrop or Pre-Mint of any kind. The pool, the DEX as well as the pricing is all started and done together with the community. There are no tokens in circulation at the time of launch that could influence the price.

This way, ShimmerSea starts its journey hand in hand with the community and other projects in the ecosystem. With already more than 13000 authentic community members on our social platforms and more than 20 partners actively building together with ShimmerSea, we are ideally positioned to become the center stage protocol to accelerate growth on the ShimmerEVM.

With ShimmerEVM a new dawn is approaching for not just Shimmer but the wider IOTA ecosystem.

ShimmerSea is a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) on Shimmer focused on offering a premier trading experience.